11.METHODS Daubing the affected part of the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture for 2 or 3 weeks.
12.The reurlts showed.Xidi Iodine and Mycostat have better curative effcet for oral cadidosis in short term.Using Thymosin may reduce recurrent rate.
13.The radiochemical separation procedure of ~(132)I was designed on the basis of half-lives of iodine and tellurium isotopes in mixed fission products.
14.Property: It belongs to semidrying oil with relatively higher iodine value, in place of soybean oil.
15.colloid Proteinaceous substance in thyroid follicles, containing sizable quantities of iodine, thyroglobulin, and thyroid hormone.
16.Kinetic constant and apparent activation energy of iodine catalytic reaction of ascorbic acid oxidation Naphth Green B have been determined by spectrophotometric method.
17.Synthesis of L thyroxine is described, L tyrosine, as the starting material, was iodized with powdered iodine and hydrogen peroxide to yield L 3,5 diiodotyrosine.
18.Results all the experimental groups of rat had got colloid goiter and the higher concentration of iodine in food,as the lower of height of thyroid cell and the gigger of area of follicle.
19.The Nestle gold medal grows 3+ powdered milk iodine content into each hectogram including 191 micrograms to 198 micrograms, surpasses the national standards seriously the upper limit.
20.Method Treatment of 8,9 anhydroerythromycin 6,9 hemiketal with iodine in the alkaline solution provided corresponding N monodemethylated 12 membered ring erythromycin derivative.