4.he is apt to be swayed by irrational considerations.
5.reform outdated and irrational rules and regulations
6.irrational fears. See also Synonyms at excessive reasonable
毫由的恐惧 参见同义词 excessive reasonable
7.Integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers are all real.
8.an irrational dislike.See Synonyms at meaningless See Synonyms at unreasonable
不智的憎恶参见 meaningless 参见 unreasonable
9.When the coefficients of quadratic equations were irrational numbers, Abu Kdmil abandoned the geometry demonstration showing the trend of arithmetization.
10.It even results in geologic hazard;for the mine geologic hazard,the background of physiognomy is the potential factor,while the irrational exploitation is the magistral factor.
11.The author of this paper points out that Breton's "superrealism" refers to the absolutely true irrational inclinations of individual life such as desire, impulse and subco...