Either the Clarks or the Kays have been invited.
克拉克全家和凯全家都被 邀请了。
Either the Clarks or the Kays have been invited.
克拉克全家和凯全家都被 邀请了。
Ms Kay’s “An Equal Stillness”, her first novel, follows the story of two artists, Jennet Mallow, and her husband, David Heaton.
Slei zaen nday ler,slei nday slaem kay,geenz geenz mayx yer,gusgais nio'fax rauz buj meiz eir,dox meiz daizslei nday haet dauz.
David Carse, Deputy Kay full of brand name products, targeted for petrochemical, gas, power generation, paper, beverages, housing, and other fields, playing an excellent service.