5.Variant form *lag wh- . leprechaun , from Old Irish l?
变体形式*lag wh- . leprechaun , 源自 古爱尔兰语 l?
6.You must look that no one lags behind.
7.I staved off jet lag with a bath and an early night.
8.there was a time lag between the commission of the crime and its reporting to the police.
9.both old lags were sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.
10.The police will be cracking down on lager louts this summer.
11.Lag time when low-Mei Fu Che δ fascine chamber?
12.If your payments of rent lag behind, you will be asked to leave.
如果你不如期交房租, 你就会被赶走。
13.Britain's economic development must lag behind that of almost every other industrial nation.
14.But they gradually lag behind others, and become common, negative without vitalization when they step into society.
15.The elder people and children always lag behind when we go for a walk.
16."Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind."
17.Why does she always lag behind others when we're out for a walk?
为什么外出散步, 她总落在后面?
18.As conceit makes one lag behind,so modesty helps one make progress.
19.Hoverer. it means that there are some factors that affect the lag in education generally and more so the female side.Among the factors is school dropout.
20.It doesn't push it own Castle Lager or its premium Czech brand, Pilsner Urquell, on local markets halfway around the world, but rather plugs what is already locally consumed.