1.Numerical simulations of laminar flow separation and reattachment occurred in an annular backstep passage are performed by the SIMPLER algorithm.
2.Charles has presented an analysis of the concentric flow of long cylindrical capsules carried in an equidensity liquid in laminar motion.
3.The energy equations with the boundary conditions of temperature jump are solved for the hydrodynamical and thermal fully developed laminar flow of the incompressible fluid in this microchannel.
4.(4) ore bodies occurring as lenses with the auriferous laminar assemblages conformable with the mylonitic foliation;
G.Gibbs,Laminar liquid state,Zhang Qi damping model algorithm, the model algorithm chosen according to different well condition,and the accuracy of pump dynamograph can be improved.
6.By using the method of coordination transformation and expandedness Fourier series, an analytic solution is obtained from studying the Newtonian fluids laminar flow in eccentric anulus.