Brain lesions can be caused by bacterial infections.
Brain lesions can be caused by bacterial infections.
the lesions may be malignant melanomas and should be biopsied.
The case of the vanishing splenial lesion.
【标题】Case of the month.
The latter two eponymic lesions have specific causes.
Familial Calvarial Doughnut Lesions-A Variant of Fibrous Dysplasia?
Conclusions The focal lesion keratectomy with amniotic membrane transplantation is a valuable method fo...
-- Gummas are nodular lesions characterized by a granulomatous inflammation.
Single cancellous osteomas, unlike exostosis, are a relatively rare lesion in the external auditory canal.
Open lesion occur in early stage and are called spina bifida aperta or myelomeningocele.
levodopa promote expression of TH - inimunoreactive neurofibril in mildly and moderately lesioned PD rats.
Risk factors associated with HS bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HS in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy.
-- The basic lesion is an aortitis consisting of necrosis resulting from thickening and hardening of the vasa vasorum.
-- The basic lesion is an aortitis consisting of necrosis resulting from thickening and hardening of the vasa vasorum.
Extraocular muscles play an important role in the normal movement of globe and formation of normal vision,whose lesions may result in strabism and ocular motor disturbance.
Objective: To compare the protective effect of herba abri (JGC) and semi-finished herba abri (MJGC) on acute liver lesion rats.
Conclusion:The death cause of chronic cardiopulmonary disease is mainly concerned with respiratory tract infection, respiratory failure, multi-organ functional lesion and dystrophia.
Conclusion Syntropy hemiopia is the most common type of change of field of vision affecting lesions in posterior visual pathways;
结论 同向偏盲是后视路疾病最常见的视野改变类型。
Another lesion for vasculitis, which vasculitis often due to cold hypergammaglobulinemia, high hypergammaglobulinemia, or immune complex deposition caused.
The influence of different diffuse gradient direction in different lesions of human brain on diffusion-weighted image has become one of the focus researches of neuroradiology.
But overdose fluorine can cause skeletal damage, which lesion fairly complicated.There are only osteosclerosis, ossifying around the bone, but osteomalacia, osteoporosis.