5.The threshold energy,limiting efficiency and efficiency of stored chemical energy in the system of solar hydrogen photoproduction by water splitting was described.
6.Cyclophos phamide by the current-limiting resistor R6 and voltage regulator tube VZ components, the UB voltage for the unijunction transistor VU DC power supply.
7.The results of four fixed beam investigations show capacity gains of more than 3 times in cell ranges where mostly the intracell interference is the limiting factor.
8.The MERL system uses 3D face models and specifically targets illumination and pose variation, which they think as the most critical factors limiting performance.
9.Bargaining situations are examples of cooperative games. As with noncooperative games, in bargaining one can sometimes gain a strategic advantage by limiting one's flexibility.
10.In the esophagus, the mucosa collapses against the distal end of the endotracheal tube, thereby limiting the ability to fully pull back on a syringe or for a flexible compressed bulb to reexpand.