4.longed to escape from their conventional, bourgeois lives.
5.A swift change is longed for, but unlikely.
们期盼着更快变化, 但不太可能。
6.He longed desperately to be back at home.
7.They longed to escape from the rat race and move to the countryside.
8.she longed to be with him and, failing that , to be on her own.
9.He longed to be back safe in the bosom of his family.
10.she longed to go abroad, but not at this man's expense—she'd die first!.
11.She longed to be able to open her heart to someone who would understand.
12.Those are vesperal falling leaves, which I have longed for a whole autumn!
13.She had always longed to travel to the United States and to see what she imagined as the land of milk and honey.
14.Is we one kind of affirmation which pass to oneself live, is indicate done self once exists and the present also longed for again had that galliardise and satisfied.
15.Then, a social celebrity in Beijing Ms.Lu Xiaoman ("Lu") came to his life.Like Xu, she was trapped in a feudally marriage and longed for true love.She quickly responded to Xu Zhimo's passion for love.