3.secretion of hormones; secretion of milk by the mammary glands.
4.Objective The female nipple hypertrophy and mammary hypotrophy can be corrected by simultaneous operation to get more beautiful mammary profile.
5.The recipient artery can be thoracoacromial artery, internal mammary artery, or transverese cervical artery.
6.Conclusion It is simp1e and safe to skeletonize die internal mammary artery using the ultrasonic seaiw1.
7.Can make in gestation mammary gland gets sufficient growth, make mammary gland flocculus eventually end conduit development becomes glandule bubble, make good preparation for lactation.
8.We report a 27-year-old woman with mildly itchy follicular papules in both axillae, mammary areolae and the pubes for one year.
9.Results All of postoperative mammary shapes were good without complications such as necrosis or senseless of nipple and areolae.
10.Bromic concealed booth can be reduced and restrain the element that urge breast to secrete, and alleviate effectively periodic breast ache and tubercle of abreaction mammary gland.
11.Methods The expression of ER was detected by SP immunohistochemistry in 18 cases of pubertal mammary hypertrophy and 12 cases of micromastia.
12.Results The positive expression rate of ER was respectively 88.89% and 16.67% in pubertal mammary hypertrophy and micromastia. There was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01).
13.False pregnancy, or pseudocyesis, is a common condition in female intact dogs. Signs include swelling of the mammary glands, lactation, not eating, and "mothering" small objects.