3.Seven carabao mango cultivars or lines and Liuzhou lusong mango (Mangifera indica Linn) were examined with ISSR primers.
4.Objective: To compare the pharmacological action of mango leave decoction,demangiferin mango leave decoction and mangiferin anti-tussive and expectorant drugs.
5.just round that corner, by the mango trees, and we reach.
6.Ah went tuh eat the mangoes but the people run mih.
8.choose from a colourful array of mango, starfruit, and raspberries, to name but a few.
9.Put a whipped cream quenelle on the left side, and a passion fruit sorbet quenelle on the right side of the tartlet. Decorate with mango strips and glaze.
10.Yiryel was sitting on a bench under a mango tree, surrounded by grandchildren who listened raptly.
11.A mango orchard dedicated by a neighbouring zemindar to the public use was frequented by the boys for their noonday sports.
12.Lupeol, a pentacyclic triterpene present in mango, is a biologically active compound that has been reported to possess a number of pharmacologicalproperties in the in vivo and in vitro studies.
13.Palate: Zesty flavors aromas of tropical fruit such as kiwi, gooseberry, pineapples and mangos with a hint of grassiness are complemented by creamy citrus notes.
14.They swam in brilliant shoals, like rains of glittering dust, throughout the greenstone depths - hapuku, manga, kahawai, tamure, moki, and warehou - herded by shark or mango ururoa.
15.Results showed that the main aromatic components of mango were terpenes viz, terpinolene, ocimene, α-pinene, beta-myrcene, alpha-thujene, limonene, caryophyllene, Carene, etc.
16.tested the pen by scribbling on scrap paper; testing each mango for ripeness by pressing and smelling it; testing job applicants.
17.Rinseng fruits and mangos are planted on both sides of the routeway.In the center of the park, there is a 700 square meters' round-shaped rose bush where stands an over 10-meter-high kittul tree.