5.He shows complete mastery of his chosen subject.
6.the products of a technological mastery untempered by political imagination.
7.Her mastery of economic theory impressed the professors.
8.It takes years to gain a mastery of Japanese.
9.To gain a complete mastery of English, one must study very hard.
10.She appealed to his mastery for help in solving her problem.
11.His work demonstrates a mastery of design, colour, composition and draftsmanship.
12.- Ternion Attack,the skill of "Spirit Mastery" will not take advantage of the "projectile speed bouns" witch Arcane Lore offered.
-T ernion攻击,技能的“神修养”不会利用“弹丸速度b ouns”巫婆神秘传说提供。
13.Mastery is the short and inexpensive way because one actually becomes whatever he intended be it a keyboardist, singer, poet, artist, actor, composer, arranger, producer, etc.
14.He was always making diagrams of verbs and their inflections, and he looked for opportunities to show off his mastery of the pluperfect and future perfect tenses, his two favorites.