4.A good dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.
5.plucking words and meanings from the cumbrous air.
6.Human Being was born with "unhealthiness", toughly searching the meanings of life all the time.
7.Set up a curvilineal equation of acid-base titration,and every pHysics meanings in the equation and factors of the effect its titrate suddenly jump range were discussed.
8.Be in division this in a lot of serious thoughts, cite to produce different meanings the most easily to be misunderstood even again however at most when several divisions this theorematic.
9.But diffeomorphism invariant theory leaves some problems to be explained, and the meanings of spacetime and physical theory are still in question.
10.A learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.
一本学生词典应该既提供词语含义, 又举出应用这些词语例子。
11.Two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings.
12.The initial example from the health center in Ethiopia was a problem caused by a kinesic sign being used which had different meanings cross-culturally.
13.This paper attempts to explore some functions of zeugma from the pragmatic approach with authentic examples and how the contextual meanings of zeugma can be derived based on some pragmatic theories.
14.He believed that Scripture contained many implied meanings in addition to its overt meaning, and he regarded written law (Torah) and oral law (Halakah) as ultimately one.