3.The differentiation of the cells derived from the primordial meristem forms protoderm,ground meristem and adsperse procam-bium strand.
4.Ground meristem The central region of the apical meristem from which the ground tissues of pith, cortex, medullary rays, and mesophyll differentiate. In root meristem it is also called periblem.
5.Applying thermotherapy, meristem culture, micropropagation and chemical preparation may provide effective ways for eliminating the pear virus diseases.
6.The structure of the root apex of Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge consists of the stelar meristem,cortical cells and the root cap.
7.The results showed that the prime symptoms of the TPD include laticifer necrosis and cambium-like meristem formation that occurs around the necrotic laticifer in the inner bark.