1.The shape and size distribution of ice crystals in the frozen wet gluten were studied indirectly by microscopy and mercury porosimeter.
2.The hair showed a trichoschisis-like pattern at light microscopy and alternate banding at polarizing microscopy.
3.The formation mechanism of orange valvule-like pinhole in rolled aluminium foil was investigated by using optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy,and energy dispersion X-ray spectrum.
4.Under scanning electron microscopy, a polyhedral and scale-like endocyst was covered with thick ectocyst and an ostiole was veiled with operculum at the junction of ectocyst and endocyst.
5.The micro morphologies and textural characteristics of the pyrocarbon and fracture surfaces were observed by polarized light microscopy and SEM.
6.Methods: Paraffin section, HE stain, light microscopy,calculation of the rate of trophocyte area .
7.Scaning electron microscopy and cyclic voltammetry are applied to characterize both the physical and chemical properties of the Ag ring ultramicroelectrode.
8.Scaning electron microscopy and cyclic voltammetry are applied to characterize both the physical and chemical properties of the Au ring ultramicroelectrode.
9.By means of stereomicroscopy and scanning electronic microscopy(SEM),the fracture mode and mechanism of the broken K18 superalloy cast blade in a supercharger turbo were investigated.
10.Objective:To appraise the obturation capability of bonded vertically fractured posterior tooth using 3 different detin adhesive by microleakage tests and scan electron microscopy(SEM) observation.
11.This site provides introductory information to ore microscopy with over 30 full colour photomicrographs used in the course MICROSCOPIE DES MINERAUX OPAQUES at the University of Geneva.
12.Research on the failure reasons of the cooling tube were carried out by means of macroexamination, thickness measurement, X ray diffraction, optical microscopy and chemical analysis.
13.Methods To preserve life history cycle by experimental infection.E.Miyagawai′s body examined mainly by using scanning electron microscopy and its developed process by using optical microcopy.
14.Figure 2.B, On high-power magnification microscopy, the specimen showed a patternless tissue culture-like appearance with multiple mitoses and extraasated red blood cells.