The acrosome in the head was spheral in shape, and there was only one mitochondria in the mature sperm.
The acrosome in the head was spheral in shape, and there was only one mitochondria in the mature sperm.
scleral fibroblastic nuclear chromatin pyknosis, rough endoplasmic reticulum distention, mitochondria turgescence;
myofibril fracturing, dilation, swelling, vacuolation of endoplasmic reticula and mitochondria in myocardium cells;
Prokaryotes lack organelles such as nucleoli, mitochondria, plastids, Golgi apparatus, and do not exhibit cyclosis.
The uniformity of chloroplast grana lamellae,, the numbers and cristae of mitochondria, and the concentration of nucleus karyolymph were different among different mature grade leaves.
A dedifferentiation of mitochondria and plastids in structure in microspore mother cells was observed at from diplonema/diakinesis to metaphase Ⅰ,then a redifferentiation at dyad stage.
在小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程,有核糖数量存在逐渐减少的,和线粒结构在双线期/终 变期和期Ⅰ趋于简化;
Results The results showed that the colorectal cancer cells had swollen and vacuolated mitochondria with disarrangement and unfolding of cristae.
Among many tightaligned inner segments of PRCs there was zonula adherens of OLM, mitochondrias at inner side of OLM, and cilium at outer side of OLM.
Sonic tumor cells had nuclear goovas. 3 cases showed abundant mitochondria, rough endoplasm reticulum. neurosecretory granules, prozymogen-granule-like particles and annulate lamellae.
<FONT face=Verdana>]AIM: To explore the changes of myocardial energy metabolism and adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) activity in mitochondria in rats exposed to hypoxia.
摘要 目的: 探讨高原低压缺氧暴露过程大鼠心肌能量代谢及腺苷酸转位酶活性变化特点。