2.using carbon particle clearance method to observe the effect of American ginseng on monocyte cytophagic index of Jimpy mice.
3.The antheral tapetum, consisting of monocyte or binucleated cells, degenerated in situ, thus belonging to glandular type.
4.Endothelia damage included the endothelium ecclasis,monocyte and platelets adherence to from thombus at the exposed subendothelia layer.
5.Association between the -2518G/A polymorphism in the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) gene and myocardial infarction in Tunisian patients.
6.Peripheral blood mononuclear cell(PBMC),including lymphocyte and monocyte,is a group of leukocytes that have monomorphous nuclei and exert important immune function in the body.