1.In the case of mudstone to be a source rock, the uncompacted mudstone would have a strong capability of hydrocarbon concentation sealing to seal gas in diffusive phase.
2.third is low-density turbidity sequence composed of flaggy sandstone and mudstone;
3.the depocenter of hydrocarbon source rock such as coal and dark mudstone is situated in the Xinxian sunken in the south of the study area;
4.The platform foreslope is composed of the dark grey and celadon calcareous mudstone,siltstone,sandstone intercalated with limestone conglo...
5.Nonsandstone reservoirs between salt beds of Qianjiang Formation in the Qianjiang Sag of the Jianghan Basin are mainly composed of dolomicrite,glauberite rock,mudstone and their peperite.
7.And the boundary of them has the same lithologic character: the ravinement surface of river course or exposure mudstone of flooding plain and root clay.
8.Lacustrine source rocks provided resource for the oil and gas generation, and flood plain facies and paludal facies mudstone supplied cap rock for the reservoir accumulation.