3.1. the backbone fault of the nappe tectonic was not “F.2”, but within the anhydrite member underlaid the nappe, and the anhydrock was an ideal lubricating layer;
4.The styles of the detachment structure are short antiform and synform structure mainly, and dome structure, nappe outlier and nappe tectonic window too.
5.The new finding of two beds quartzitic conglomerate in the Ertix piedmont is sedimentary response with Altay nappe structure.
6.The central nappe zone is divided into seven nappes, which have an appearance of horizontal scaly imbrication and vertical thruSt overlap,and thus form a seometric model of scaly imbrication.
7.Pile-loop Ikat, also called napped ikat or terry ikat, was originated in the Han Dynasty.
8.10.basement and unmetamorphosed terrigenous shallow carbonate rock in the Austria Alps -South Alps obduc-tion nappe and radiolarian silicalite in fault basins.
9.On the hanging wall of the nappe (thrust),isoclinal folds are developed with the axial planes inclined to the north in association with imbricated thrusts dipping to the south.