4.essential oils obtained by distillation or expression.
5.Estimate of cineole (eucalyptol) content.
英文名称: Essential oils.
6.The worker oils the machine to operate it more efficiently.
7.the oils were sensitively painted but uninventive in design.
8.I worked loosely with the oils, allowing colours to bleed into one another.
9.EMGEAR EP具有优良的抗乳化性,能迅速自水中离析。
EMGEAR EP oils have good demulsibility can separate readily from water.
10.The morphologies of several polyfluoroethylene oils were studied by small angle laser light scattering.
11.The features of the biomarkers in the oils are as follows: relati vely high abundance of isoprenoidies, no preference between pristane and phytane ;
12.2.Limonene: Occurs in various oils such as Levant wormseed oil, pine needle oil and other oils.
13.The amine cake is an organic bentonite used as the rheological regulator for thickening oils,made from long-carbochain quaternary ammonium salt.
14.Elaioplast (lipidoplast; oleoplast) A colorless plastid (leucoplast) storing lipids (fats or oils).
15.Many popular mouthwashes contain flavor oils, including menthol, eucalyptol and methyl salicylate (wintergreen oil).
16.The crude oils of Chang 20 belong to typical immature oil which have odd even predominance and lower ratios of sterane and terpane maturity index.
17.Biocat-alytic production processes have been set up for the manufacture of special esters like cetyl ricinoleate, so-called emollient esters, used as skin caring oils in cremes and lotions.
18.Oil spotting (oleocellosis) was a prevalent physiological rind disorder of citrus fruits that was caused by the action of phytotoxic rind oils released from the oil cells in the flavedo.
19.Examples are soybean, rapeseed and tlaxseed, wheat germ, hempseed , and perilla oils, with soybean being the most important.