1.Furthermore, the crystal structure, surface characters of quartz and clinochlore, and the solution chemistry of oleic acid as the anionic collector were analyzed.
2.Interestingly, in spite of its instability, the O3 molecule can be stabilized as an ozonide between the double bonds of a monounsaturated fatty acid such as oleic acid.
3.The studies on the perferable conditions for synthesizing diglycol dioleate, by the esterification of diglycol monoleate with oleic acid via acid catalysis, were reported.
4.Doctor you are nice! Have the cancer patient first at home , be badly in need of heterogeneous lipid of oleic acid experiencing and observing 139 injecta,
6.The phase diagrams of pseudo tricomponent of microemulsions consisting of oleic acid/ammonia gasoline alcohol water were plotted, and the properties of this microemulsion system were discussed.