1.Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.
2.The city passed an ordinance restricting the size of advertising signs, but grandfathered all those signs erected before 1982.
该市通过了一项限制广告牌规格法令,但那些在1982 年以前竖起来招牌免受限制
3.21 This shall be a perpetual ordinance for you. "One who sprinkles the lustral water shall wash his garments, and anyone who comes in contact with this water shall be unclean until evening.
4.An Ordinance to make provision for the issue of legal tender coins, to provide for matters relating to the demonetization of the one cent currency note and to provide for other related matters.
5.Under the old admission system, a person satisfying the repealed s 27 of the Ordinance could be called to the Bar immediately prior to starting his/ her pupillage.