1.The orebody take the shape of prolate lenticle and appearing horizontal bedding.
2.The orebodies occur within or near the exocontact of intrusive rocks and above the hidden igneous rocks.
3.The ore-bearing beds have a bimodal rock association and exhibit assembly characteristics of pyroclastic rock, orebody and exhalite.
4.Orebodies in sedirmentary rock hosted Au deposits are discrete hypogene and epigenetic masses usually hosted in a fault zone, breccia mass, or lithologic bed or unit.
5.There is an obvious rock zonation from the middle to bothsides of the structural shatter zone, generally from marialite orebody through diopside-felsite,biotite-albitite to the host Proterozoic rocks.
6.The study shows that the gold quartz vein is the largest orebody which was controlled by E-W extrusion fracture zone.The kaligranite and spessartite are the largest wallrocks.
7.Gold quartz vein is the major orebody which is controlled by E-W-extrusion fracture zone in the Damiaozi gold mineralized district.The granite-porphyry,spessartite and diabase are the major wallrock.
8.Copper mineral belts can be easily seen in orebody.There has clear border between footwall and base of orebody, but it changes gradually from ore to its hangingwall.
9.The orebody is controlled by SN, NW faults and fissures, the ore deposit belongs to magmatic hydrothermalism-stratabound and compound magmatic hydrothermalism type one.