1.Generator inertia has great influence on interarea oscillation frequency and damping.
2.The first application is the analysis of aircraft longitudinal long-period oscillation named phugoid phenomenon.
3.So not only super-harmonic,also subhar monic and stochastical oscillation will appear.
4.Use high speed oscillation cobbra , ensure all parts of products have same strength during oscillation ,prolong tester lifespan, decline failure rate.
5.1. this series self-synchronizing inertial oscillation feeding engine with when does for the material, recommendation declinator 10° installment;
1. this series self-synchronizing inertial oscillation feeding engine with when does for the material, recommendation declinator 10° installment;
7.The feeding engine is makes the reciprocation straight-line oscillation for the material process by the feedertrough along the inclined direction to realize;
8.A technique for estimation of gyro installation error s in gimbaled INS was presented based on the oscillation around gyro input axis.
9.With cellulose hydrolyte as raw material to ferment citric acid by Aspergillus niger at constant temperature and under oscillation temperature were discussed and compared.
10.Simulation shows that the inhomogeneity of electric field reduces the oscillations in photodetachment cross section and its corresponding modulation function.