4.their good intentions far outstretched their capacity to offer help.
5.the dog had one paw outstretched, not quite touching the ground.
6.The girl’s arms were outstretched as she tried to catch the ball.
那女孩试图接住那个球, 把胳膊伸了去。
7.But if the arms are outstretched in the yearner position, the person tends to be more suspicious.
8.Results 161 cases of cerebral edema, 199 cases of cerebral hemorrhage, 61 cases of periventricular leukomalacia and 94 cases of ventricular outstretch were observed by cerebral ultrasound;
9.And his jacket, he was wearing a shealing jacket and it had frozen to the roof--the back of the jacket and also his 7)outstretched arms had frozen to the roof.
10.Duke did not answer him, just be opposite loudly crane group vociferant, crane group be frighted, simultaneously outstretched two legs ran.