1.unicellular spores of these parasites have an imperforate wall.
2.Coenurosis is the disease caused by coenurus parasites in the brain and spind cord of the bovine and ovine.
3.Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites;helminthiasis.
4.Ocular infections with helminthic parasites are uncommon and have been well described previously.
5.Conclusion Drug plates, media, adhesive paper, parasites and operation technique can affect the result of in vitro microtest for drug sensitivity of P. falciparum.
6.Any of a group of microorganisms of the genusChlamydia that are obligate intracellular parasites and include the causative agents of trachoma, psittacosis, and lymphogranuloma venereum.
7.Any of numerous small, flat-bodied, wingless biting or sucking insects of the orders Mallophaga or Anoplura, many of which are external parasites on various animals, including human beings.