3.Objective To investigate the rehabilitation of pelvis disarticulation amputees.
4.Stagnation of urine in the kidney pelvis seems to greatly encourage pyelitis.
5.gnash:用力地磨牙,啮:用力地将两平面在一起摩擦,磨(牙):Slang To rotate the pelvis erotically, as in the manner of a stripteaser.【俚语】 淫荡地晃动:卖弄色相地摇摆臀部,如脱衣舞者一样Slang An erotic rotation of the pelvis.
(grind:To rub (two surfaces) together harshly;
6.Tuberculous pyelitis showed deformed renal pelvis, filling defect and hydronephrosis.
7.She was born a dipygus, meaning that she had two separate pelvises side by side from the waist down.
8.The calices show the same changes to a variable degree, depending on whether the renal pelvis is intrarenal or extrarenal.
9.This intravenous pyelogram (IVP) of a normal urinary tract on the left demonstrates contrast filling the pelvis, ureter, and bladder.
10.In this case, a large "staghorn" calculus (so named because the prominent projections of the stone into the calyces resemble deer antlers) was present that filled up the pelvis and calyceal system.