Many pests are resistant to the insecticide.
Many pests are resistant to the insecticide.
The pests spread quickly in these regions.
Animal and vegetable pests spread with extreme rapidity .
Plant lectins have been shown to be insecticidal to pests including Homopteran pests.
Metaflumizone, a new insecticide for controlling Lepidopterous and some Coleoptera pests, was briefly reviewed.
kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays.
Animals, plants and products thereof infected with or carrying pathogenic germina, pests and other harmful organisms.
There are lots of factors causing infestation of phytophagous pests and changes of dominate species in the apple orchards.
As a result, the pests would be on the rack and agonizing or even have the symptom of swivet and twitch.
★ 除驱鼠外,还可驱赶蜈蚣、蟑螂、蜘蛛、跳蚤等害虫,尤以驱鼠效果最佳。
2、虫害 主要有核桃举肢蛾、核桃小吉丁虫、木橑尺蠖、云斑天牛等。
2, pests mainly Atrijuglans hetaohei moth, walnut Buprestidae small, wood橑geometrid, etc.Batocera horsfieldi.
The community species mainly consisted of Coleopteran and Lepidoptera secondly.The above-mentioned 2 species made up the main body of this community in which initial pests dominated in number.
"These are New Guinea's half-inch-long (1.3 centimeter long) antlered flies—harmless relatives of the Mediterranean fruit fly and other fruit pests.
If you have problems with pests or mosquitoes in your home but are tired of setting traps or using messy and dangerous chemicals and poisons, the latest PESTAWAY "Deluxe" Pest Repeller is the answer.
如果您有问题或蚊子害虫在您家中,但已经厌倦设置陷阱,或使混乱和危险化学品和毒药,最新PESTAWAY “豪华”害虫Repeller就是答案。