3.Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.
4.She knows physiology from beginning to end.
5.His new contribution to the advancement of physiology was well appreciated.
6.Edited by Jean Brachet,Alfred E.Mirsky.
题名其余部分: Biochemistry, Physiology, Morphology.
7.Subject_Topical_Eng: Foundation Medical; Pathological Reacher; Anthropotomy; Histiocytic Embryology; Pathology and Physiology; Immunology
8.neuropharmacology; physiology; chemical senses; gustatory system; gustation
9.EFFECTIVENESS:Deep care skin cellular metab olism circulation. Restore normal physiology function of skin. Dissolve melanin. Eliminate and lighten spots.
10.Qing Xia;Wei Panga;Zuo-Li Xiab;Ski-Gong Zhua a Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology;Peking University Health Science Center;Beijing 100083;
11.The paper introduced the multy-physiology information (include ECG, blood pressure, blood-oxygen saturation and sphygmus) detecting system.
12.HUANG Yao-ling; ZOU Si-xiang; CHEN Wei-hua (Laboratory of Aminal Physiology and Biochemistry; Nanjing Agricultural University; Nanjing 210095; China);
13.This article makes a deep analysis of corpulence affecting health from physiology, psychology and sociology and puts forward the effective preventing measures against corpulence.
15.Of the turn of lifeThe maleShould learn common sense of a bit the turn of life, understand the certain change of him physiology and psychogenesis, next not bat an eyelid, need not alarmed.