3.The success of the project pivots on investment from abroad.
4.The novel pivots around a long conversation between two characters.
5.the axles pivoted about the motors.
6.he swung round, pivoting on his heel.
7.the government's reaction pivoted on the response of the Prime Minister.
8.The smaller of its hands occasionally slipped round on the pivot,and thus,though the minutes were told with precision,nobody could be quite certain of the hour they belonged to.
9.Marriage might...and would...stultify my mental processes.I'm not properly pivoted that way...and so must I be chained in a kennel like a monk?
The tunnel the lava had made was the pivot for the whole base, but inside, it was empty, with nothing more than climbable walls and ledges for a weary Angel to sleep on.
11.Pivoting 90 degrees, Raab pans westward across the sagebrush-stubbled desert until he spots an identical tube and another building, also four kilometers distant.