2.Horseplacenta with barbwire,bullets, and broken glass.Used it for a metal flyer series.
有倒钩铁丝的盘子弹图片 Placenta with barbwire,bullets.
3.However, these must be distinguished from simple "hydropic degeneration" seen in placentas of fetuses undergoing intrauterine demise.
4.Indusium The flap of tissue, derived from the placenta, that encloses the developing sporangia in the sorus of a fern.
5.Results The distribution of VEGF in placenta of normal group is similar to that of PIH group.They all are found in villous trophoblast,villous blood vessels and villous strome.
6.chalazogamy A method of fertilization in angiosperms in which the pollen tube enters the ovule by the chalaza instead of through the micropyle, penetrating the placenta en route.
7.Pappi are hollow and the wall of basal pappi ( inserting on placenta) is stoutest in the whole pappus, with placation and transverse.
8.Active placentin from lamb placenta was extracted by modern technology of biological engineering, the preparation technology is simple and needed no specific purification process.
9.Results:The incidence of hysterectomy was 0.079%, thereinto, cesarean hysterectomy accounted for 80% and its main indications were placenta factors and uterine acratia.
10.Pregnancy is unfavorable apolaustic sexual life is gravid in 3 months, placenta has not been formed completely, embryonic organization is returned on adherent Yu Gongbi not quite firm, ..