At this moment we already received orders to design Floating Sheerlegs from 2000 to 5000 tonnes lifting capacity, Self-Unloading Barges, Grab crane pontoons, etc.
目前为止我们已经单:如设计浮动Sheerlegs 从20005000吨起重能力,自卸驳船,抓斗起重机浮等。
At this moment we already received orders to design Floating Sheerlegs from 2000 to 5000 tonnes lifting capacity, Self-Unloading Barges, Grab crane pontoons, etc.
目前为止我们已经单:如设计浮动Sheerlegs 从20005000吨起重能力,自卸驳船,抓斗起重机浮等。