5.kids will love it precisely because it will irritate their parents.
6.It's precisely that sort of slick sales-talk that I mistrust.
7.The problem is due to discipline, or, more precisely, the lack of discipline, in schools.
8.Inferior equipment was precisely the reason some hikers refused to continue the climb.
9.The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the plane’s propeller.
10.2、 Using precisely graduator of cam,hypo-mood position fixing accurately.
11.The optimeter is widely used to precisely measure external size ofworkpiece by comparison with a gauge block or standard part.
12.51 long vacations period, has gone to the Kalong ditch, unfortunatelyis precisely the off season time. But is off season here also is the same beauty.
13.Every clause, every punctuation mark, every plot twist, puzzle, and factoid is engineered precisely to flatter our intelligence.
14.4.The optimeter is widely used to precisely measure external size of workpiece by comparison with a gauge block or standard part.
15.On the other hand, sheltered industries know precisely how much they stand to lose if left bare and unaccommodated.
16.A famous image from Darwin's Origin of Species, written over a century before the dawn of the first computer, precisely embodies the task of evolution in computerese.
17.And last but certainly not least, the trim bar around the rear numberplate is now defined even more smoothly and precisely on the new BMW 5-Series Saloon.
18.Researchers can precisely measure previously unquantifiable aspects of pitching—everything from the angular velocity of the arm at the shoulder joint to tension on the knees and elbows.
19.By becoming involved with tangential issues, it hopes to hide the real question and keep it out of mind.The ego's characteristic busyness with nonessentials is for precisely that purpose.