3.an executive who was pressurized by a heavy workload.
4.the mixture was pressurized to 1,900 atmospheres.
给混合物加压到1,900个标准大气 压。
5.The government have pressurized the farmers into producing more milk.
6.OBJECTIVE The optimum extraction conditions of shionone from herbs Tatarian aster root were studied by means of orthogonal test and microwave-assisted and pressurized solvent extraction technique.
7.A new multiflow model of a pressurized spout fluid bed with a draft tube has been developed to investigate the voidage and the velocities of particle and gas in spout and annular region.
8.That subterranean world, Onstott said, is a lightless pool of hot, pressurized salt water that stinks of sulfur and noxious gases humans would find unbreathable.