5.The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people.
6.The habit of travelling by aircraft is becoming more prevalent each year.
7.Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans.
8.The Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan. Somethingendemic is prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality or people:
阿伊努族是日本最北部诸岛本土人。 Endemic 是对于某一特定地点或人们相关和特殊:
9.Objective To understand the carriable condition and categories of enteric pathogenic Salmonella and Shigella in high school students in the disease prevalent seasons.
10.No proof has been provided that gastric hypomotility or stasis is more prevalent in patients with gastric ulcer than in the normal population.
11.Oil spotting (oleocellosis) was a prevalent physiological rind disorder of citrus fruits that was caused by the action of phytotoxic rind oils released from the oil cells in the flavedo.