1.Objective:To assess the current state of edentia and prosthetic treatment of elderly people in a small community of Beijing.
2.Prosthetic enzyme of mutase, catalyze reactions of group, mainly methyl, metachoresis in the interior of substrate molecule.
3.Also in the scene are WETA supervisor Richard Taylor, prosthetics supervisor Gino Acevedo, and director of photography Andrew Lesnie.
4.Flavoprotein A conjugated protein in which a FLAVIN (FAD or FMN) is the prosthetic group joined to a protein component.
5.Wear particles induced-biological reaction in histiocyte surrounding the prosthesis is an important factor of osteolysis and aseptic loosening after prosthetic replacement.
6.Objective: To explore the prosthetic design and procedure of resid ual crown with complete root canal imperforation so as to solve the clinical pro blem of such cases.
7.Absence of pain, inflammation, injury of nerve, paraesthesia (foreign-body sensation) or injury of mandibular neural tube, dental prosthetic restoration aesthetic satisfaction.