13.Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules.
14.The varieties of VFA along the reactor makes it clear that the acidogenic and methanogenic are separated in the ABR.
15.An analysis is made of the present status of production of DAP by the mixed process of preneutralization reactor tank-pipe reactor,as the moisture content of the product fluctuates greatly.
16.This paper presents the parameter selection and design method of saturant reactor for the start of high-voltage ac motor. The concrete example is given.
17.Writer discusses also the characteristic of silicon nitrid ceramic materials,and chooses this ceramic bearing used in the bottom of the reactor above.
18.The reactor core structure of Qinshan phaseⅢ CANDU nuclear power plant include several major components such as the calandria, calandria vault, fuel channels and reactivity control unit.
19.The analytical method and the method in RELAP5/MOD1 computer code for reactor coolant coastdown flow calculation in loss of flow accident in PWR are briefly described.
20.Preparation of diglyceride by lipase-catalyzed glycerolysis of soybean salad oil with glycerol in a batch stirred tank reactor was studied.