1.this compound is a very sensitive reagent for copper.
2.remnants of the reagent may give a false reading.
3.the process uses chemical reagents to detoxify the oil.
4.USES: As chemical reagent and corrodent of integrated plate.
5.They experimented with new reagents and succeeded.
6.(2) as reagents for cross-coupling, oxidation, arylation, and other reactions;
7.In stead of using butyl nitrite and absolute ethyl-ether as reagents,in an improved method,cupferron.
8.Research and development for fhe production of pyrocatechol and hydroquinone by reaction of phenol with hydrogen peroxide and percarboxylic acid as hydroxylating reagent are introduced.
9.MethodsExpanding reagent: butanol-water-acetic acid glacial(5∶2∶1),stationary phase: G silicon gel and colorate reagent: dissolve ninhydrin in acetone.
10.The selective oxidation of ethers by chromic reagent, peroxide, nitric acid, oxygen and ozonide, as well as the ethers anodic oxidation are particularly introduced.
11.Vessels : bell glass, flume, airer, alcohol burner, reagent bottles etc.
12.Abstract:Objective To discuss the biurea method for determination of total protein in serum of fat emulsion specimens with double reagents on the automated biochemical analyzer.
13.Synthesis of alkylated chlorosilane by Grignard reagent has been investigated,which provides a good way for preparation of organo-silicon compounds.
14.The experiment consist of two parts :the first one research nucleophilic addition of m-dinitrobenzene, nucleophilic reagent is benzyl cyanide;
15.Efficient pulp bleaching requires uniform distribution of chemical reagents and received mixing at macroscale, fibre_scale and microscale.
16.The 1,2-addition of α-oxoketene dithioacetals with methallyl Grignard reagent afforded the carbinols 2. 5 and 6 respectively.
17.Synthesis of polyethenoxyether phosphate using polyethenoxyether as initiator and using phosphorus pentoxide as parkerizing reagent, and its application were studied.
18.The catalyzed asymmetric synthesis was the effective method to prepare the optics active compounds, the pentamethide obtaines the widespread application as the reagent or the catalyst in this domain.