3.he was considered a living saint by recipients of his generosity.
4.The recipient artery can be thoracoacromial artery, internal mammary artery, or transverese cervical artery.
5.an open-ended and generous scholarship that lets recipients write their own ticket.
6.The recipients of the prizes had their names printed in the paper.
7.Recipients of military honors were called in order of precedence—highest ranking officers first.
8.The prospect of graft loss is a problem faced by all transplant recipients, and retransplantation is often an option when loss occurs.
9.Presenters and recipients at the next Academy Awards would be advised to refrain from rambling thank-you and unentertaining political proclamations.
10.Spermatogonial stem cells with DsRed2 expression were detected on frozen section of testis from the recipient mouse 6 wafter transplantation.
移植后6 周,受体睾丸冰冻切片上可见表达红色荧光蛋白精原细胞。
11.Microchimera or immunotolerance can he detected in the recipient following sequential living related donor kidney transplantation/nonmyeloablative syngeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
12.the party who receives title to real property (buyer, recipient, donee) from the seller (grantor) by a document called a grant deed or quitclaim deed.