4.hermatypic Normally refers to reef-building corals.
5.The Main Chromitite Seam and the Merensky Reef do not outcrop well.
6." We know that there are many contributing factice factors to the world coral reefs, we water quality of the reef.
7.Upfield;with a new introduction by Edward Marston.
名 The mystery of Swordfish Reef/Arthur W.
8.tided off the reef; tiding up the Hudson.
9.It’s only been latterly that we’ve discovered that it’s lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
10.rather than be blown up, Muller grounded his ship on a coral reef and surrendered.
11.A freckle-face blenny peeks from its reef burrow in the Solomon Islands.
12.Here's the cyanea's-eye view of a reef flat that seems like nothing but a couple of billion hidey-holes.
13.Seeing over a thousand species of fish is part of the fascination of the reef.
14.Physiographic-lily, it could be divided into five fades zones: the reel front, growing reef, reef flat, beach and lagoon;and each zone could be further subdivided.
15.The nationwide biggest shark museum at present, where there are thousands of fierce lemon shark, nurse shark, as well as Whitetip Reef Shark, Blacktip Reef Shark, Suction Shark, etc.
16.The study of reef-buiding biont of the Late-Carboniferous in Southern Guizhou rely mainly on alga,such as phylloid-algal and siphonopore algal.
17.Target feed corals (“Phyto feast™” from Reef Nutrition, frozen adult brine shrimp, frozen Cyclop-Eeze ® , live Artemia
18.My "Reef Beauty" Never showup about light OFF~.. Even i don't where she sleep.... AI.....
19.Coral reefs are rocklike structures built by layers of coral organisms, called polyps.
20.Taking into account of the biogenic components, the algal dolomite, the main component of algal reefs, consisted of Cladosiphonia sinensis, Serpula shandongensis etc.