2.the reformers looked askance at the mystical tradition.
3.The reformer's fame spread all over the country.
4.it now looks as if the reformers had laboured in vain.
5.The reformers thundered against drinking and gambling.
社会改革大声疾呼, 反对酗酒和赌博。
6.a starry-eyed reformer; starry-eyed idealism.
7.The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him.
8.His father was the Maharishi Debendranath Tagore, the Hindu reformer and mystic and his mother was Sharada Devi.
9.that Protestant reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin finally broke the authority of the medieval chur-state that had dominated Eurpoe since the fall of Rome;
10.Presents British AMV ammonia process, the operation of Secondary reformer with natural gas as the feed,air distributor and fractory lining damage and their repair.
11.In what was known as “Koizumi theatre”, the telegenic reformer obtained extensive television coverage by replacing LDP candidates who opposed his plans to privatise the postal system.
12.She campaigned for the chancellorship (and nearly lost) as a determined reformer who would unshackle enterprise, unburden taxpayers and “ govern through” all obstacles.