1.The male reproductive organs are exterior to the body.
2.Every animal has reproductive organs.
3.congenital anomaly of reproductive system
4.legal and political questions concerning reproductive rights.
5.A structure bearing or consisting of a reproductive organ or part,such as a reproductive polyp or bud in a hydroid colony.
6.Objective: To study the changes of mast cells and effect by estrogen on reproductive duct of ovariotomy rats.
7.In vitro embryotoxicity screening test and male reproductive toxicology are primary screening tests.In this paper their application are discussed.
8.Abstract: Characteristics of reproductive biology of 〖WTBX〗Tridentiger trigonocephalus〖WTBZ〗 at the Yangtze estuary were studied.
摘要: 研究了长江纹缟虾虎鱼的繁物学。
9.Like all Cestoid's each individual has male and female reproductive structures in its proglottid and can reproduce independently.
10.The testes,ovarium and reproductive tube of adult treeshrew in its morphology and weight have marked seasonal changes.
11.When he judges it is safe to do so, he inserts the end of a pedipalp into the female's reproductive opening and discharges the sperm it carries.
12.Plasma LH and prolactin levels during the reproductive cycle of the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus).
13.Conceptacle A flask-shaped reproductive cavity that develops on the swollen tips (receptacles) of the thalli of certain brown algae;
14.separating An elasmobranch reproductive behavior wherein the male releases the pectoral fin of the female, setting her free (Ref. 35892).
15.The reproductive isolation among sympatric Pedicularis species is influenced by the differences of pollinator behavior and floral form via ethological isolation and mechanical isolation.
16.crossing claspers A reproductive behavior of elasmobranchs where a male overlaps both claspers until they point toward the opposite side (Ref. 51121, 51113).
17.Trochus pyramis Born is of gonophores.The male reproductive system is mainly composed of the spermaries and spermaductus, instead of mating and others glands.
18.7.Clinical symptoms of sheep in zones A,B showed that ram and ewe were reduced reproductive performance,steely wolf,fall wool and lamb swayback.
19.Conclusions The conservative surgery for adenomyoma can reduce symptom and raise pregnancy rate significantly, it can be accepted by young women who want to preserve their reproductive capacity.