2.This machine is superior in many respects to that.
3.In many respects this is an important decision.
4.Give my respects to your wife.
5.we went to pay our respects to the head lama.
6.the passado he respects not, the duello he regards not;
7.I've come to pay my respects to you.
8.Please send them my respects when you write.
9.At the funeral the whole neighbourhood came out to pay their respects (to him).
10.His work is good in respects of quality but bad in respect of quantity.
他的工作质量很, 但数量很少。
11.The sea obediently respects its boundary, and though it be but a belt of sand, it does not overleap the limit.
12.Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to pay their last respects to Lincoln.
13.Rivanol gauze was used as a control.Results: MEBO was superior to rivanol in the respects of edema subsiding and wound healing.
14.He says he did not wish to surrender to any one but you, as you are the son of the Sirdar and he respects you much.”"
15.Also someone talkable and responsible, very unique and seriously wishing for more friends.
个人简介:Looking for someone full of curiosities and respects for otheres!
16.Part Three: Clarify the construction of the demystification systems from the macro and micro respects, and complete conceives of demystification.
17.Statistics on occupational mortality have been of greater value in these respects than in initiating the study of new aetiological agents.
18.The following day, 26 April, the Postulator paid his respects at the tomb of the Servant of God in the Ljubljana cemetery.
19.Hans Driesch, the arch twentieth-century vitalist, defined vitalism in 1914 as "the theory of the autonomy of the process of life," and in certain respects he was right.
20.Staple fiber may be varied in length, denier and other respects to render it spinnable on the several established systems for the natural fibers cotton, wool and flax.