4.end a sentence with a cadence) and to balanced rhythmic flow,as in poetry (the cadence of the sea ).
以降低声音结束一个句子) 及平衡韵律流,如在诗中(海韵律 )
5.The perfect coordination of the dancers and singers added a rhythmic charm to the performance.
舞蹈演员和歌手们配合得很好, 使演出更。
6.The Kang Sham edition focused on the feeling of rhythmic changes and repetend practice of special interval;
7.elegiac meter) and in music to the combining of rhythmic pulses into measures of equal time value (
哀韵律) 及在音中用于将节奏化脉动合成为等时间值标准(
8.Whether grey or blue skies lay overhead, the heft of the waves was always huge – sometimes rhythmic and pleasant, at others offering a waltzer of a voyage.
9.It has been demonstrated that the abnormal hypoactivity and synchronized rhythmic discharge of globus pallidus neurons associate with akinesia and resting tremor in parkinsonism.