2.These robots are capable of shape discrimination.
3.Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.
4.They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.
5.I like to dip and daddle with my robot friend.
6.This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world.
7.The boy's robot toy was his most prized possession.
8.Science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk.
9.Even though the arms of industrial robots can twist and turn like a contortionist, they have limitations.
10.Several years ago, Pauline made a crablike robot that would scurry across the floor.
11.A Royal Marine poses for photographers with the Unmanned Vehicle Robot, Testudo, at the launch of the Defence Technology Plan in London February 26, 2009.
12.gele says.“But robots can now be made that are flexible and much quicker and easier to program.
13.The idea is basically a steam punk robot named P-N01 on emergency repair by a cute techy girl named Lucy.
14.Utilized this method to segmentalize the image of oil derrick arc welding robot welding line gets up the good effect.
15.A manually reconfigurable and transmutable modular robot was developed, which could change its shape to adapt to an environment and a task if needed.
16.In theory, the small hole-cutting machine can cut arbitrary hole on arbitrary curved surface, and the tube-end incisory robot can incise round tubes" ends of any form.
17.gele, who heads SMErobot, a European Union-backed initiative to develop robots for small and medium-sized companies.
18.Crenshaw deciphered the algorithm of the twisting motion, known as helical klinotaxis, and assisted Nekton's team in applying it to the robots, in essence crafting a new guidance technology.
19.Eller om du reser mycket i ditt arbete och har en sexuellt frustrerad partner kvar hemma, så kan ju fjärrstyrd robot sex kanske vara en ide, för att förhindra otroskap odyl.
20.The speed synthesizer based on SCM PIC16F876, which applied to the left and right drives of brush direct current motor for tracklayer robot and vehicle.