5.Double Rollers Crusher is used to crush clunch and partial shales for brick enterprises. It has two rollers to circumrotate in reverse. The clunch between rollers are crushed by extrusion.
6.Due to the brittleness of fiber, the godet and wingding rollers with large diameter were used.
7.Supercalender: A calendering stack with alternate hard steel rollers and soft rollers, some of which move faster than others, which imparts a high gloss finish to paper as it "slips" between them.
8.Through utilizing deep groove rollers,solve coal slip problem when big declivitous angle belt conveyor working.
9.Hornbills, starlings, vultures, rollers, bee-eaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous avifauna of the Kruger.
10.A: many factors cannot be exhaustive, please check that the paper, ink, sink, thermohygrograph, rubber blanket factory, rollers, machine characteristics or status.
11.When melting cast iron f or rollers in main frequency induction furnace,the recarburization of the molte n iron could be effectively achieved by using new types of recarburizer.
12."Bidi rollers suffer from multiple illness like lung cancer, TB and other chronic ailments, which debilitate them and prevent them from taking any other profession," she said.