3.Maple sugar is made from the sap of maple trees.
4.Sap flowed from the gash in the tree.
5.the hot, heady days of youth when the sap was rising.
6.After liquid sap is taken from sugar maple trees, it goes to a sugarhouse where the sap is boiled.
7.Didn’t you know I was joking, you sap?
8.the sap causes swelling which can impede breathing.
9.sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago.
10.The bleeding sap had the best fungistatic effect on Botrytis cinerea among the three pathogenic fungi.
11.Confirm the check-in result in SAP for shippable items, feedback to Order Manager for delivery arrangement.
12.A tropical American tree(Hippomane mancinella) having poisonous fruit and a milky sap that causes skin blisters on contact.
13.Right in the village there's a little well and the grass hides it, green grass in sap closely thatching it.
14.CONCLUSION: The main methods of TCM to cure SAP are purgation, regulating vital energy, eradicating phlegmonosis, and promoting blood flow.
15.Sap passes right through the aphides' bodies, only getting a little thicker and sweeter.
汁直接流过蚜虫的身体, 结果只是变得更稠、更甜。
16.Shadow Dance: The cooldowns on Sap, Garrotte, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Premeditation, Pickpocket, and Disarm Trap are no longer increased while this ability is activated.
17.A little feint haemoid ascites appeared at 6h after SAP were induced and punctate haemorrhage appeared at the surface of the pancreas、retinas and adipose around the pancreas at the same time.
A little feint haemoid ascites appeared at 6h after SAP were induced and punctate haemorrhage appeared at the surface of the pancreas、retinas and adipose around the pancreas at the same time.