1.some granules arerefractory to secretory stimuli.
2.Hydathode A specialized secretory structure involve in the removal of excess water from plants.
3.Serous secretory acini showing cytoplasmic basophilia toward their bases where a lot of rough ER lies.
4.The TZDs improve insulin secretory capacity, decrease ß-cell apoptosis, and reduce islet cell amyloid with maintenance of neogenesis.
5.Longitudinal section of peltate glandular hair with 8 head cells,showing the subcuticular space and secretory material in it(×430);
6.Objective To explore the effect of myringotomy with insertion of tube and tympanocentesis on alleviating secretory otitis media(SOM) and hearing loss in cleft palate infants.
7.Conclusions Flutamide can cut down the secretory volume of T to block the sexual differentiation and development by the venenous harm on cellular organ and the restrained activity of key enzyme.