2.he was never seduced by the glitz and money of Hollywood.
3.the melody seduces the ear with warm string tones.
4.they should not be seduced into thinking that their success ruled out the possibility of a relapse.
5.He seduced her into an affair that had tragic consequences for both of them.
他诱奸了她, 这件事对双方都产生了悲剧性后果。
6.I'm tempted to tell him what I really think of him. Toseduce is to entice away, as from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct; it usually suggests the overcoming of moral resistance:
7.Se uno pensa d’esser religioso, e non tiene a freno la sua lingua ma seduce il cuor suo, la religione di quel tale è vana.
8.It is not ravishment. He seduced her. Why didn't she leave Alec immediately when that “rape” thing happened? According to the book, she left a few days later.