6.urgent problems that society can no longer shunt aside.
7.amateurs were gradually being shunted to filing jobs.
8.Freight Train 36 has been shunted on to Track 6.
9.The problem of collecting and delivery shunting of non-through wagon flow on the actinoid private line belongs to a kind of the combinatorial optimization problems.
10.In a10kV distribution system,when shunt ca-pacitors are switched off by vacuum circuit breakers,restrike overvoltage often occurs.
11.The effect of implantation is similar to that of cyclodialysis; howeer, the shunt proides sufficient flow resistance to eliminate the risk of hypotony.
12.SBI300 mainly has the following applications: shunt bank/filter capacitor energizing and deenergizing;
13.The succesful use at cage car pusher as train shunter in Yonshaba of Kaiyang Phosphate Mine .first of its kind in China, increases the mechanization level of shaft mouth and hoisting capacity.
14.Results Color Doppler echocardiography showed that the embryocardia ductus arterious flow had a bright shunt from the pulmonary to descending aorta.
15.To solve this problem, the powerfrequency shunt function of t h e overhead ground wire and the leadin cable jacket can be used to reduce the e a rth shortcircuitcurrent.
16.plants also derive additional ATP through cyclic photophosphorylation, in which some electrons are shunted back through the electron transport chain between photosystems Ⅱ and Ⅰ.