1.the building was a simpler edition of its namesake.
2.the return journey was made much simpler by portage.
3.But Mr Najera Ponce chose a simpler way to remunerate musicians and labels.
4.it provides simpler and more perspicuous explanations than its rivals.
5.My grandfather believed that life was simpler when he was young, when everybody knew their place.
6.Now and then my home was inhabited by a fox, a wolf, a monkey, a bear and an erne, not to mention other, simpler animals.
7.When this method is used for the determination of silica in zincous concentrate, the results are coincident with country standard method, but this method is simpler and more rapid.
8.the International Morse Code, a simpler and more precise variant with codes for letters with diacritic marks, was devised in 1851.
9.Blizzard is implementing a "Gear Manager", which seems to duplicate the simpler functions of addons like Outfitter.
10.Theoretically speaking, must fundamentally solve this problem, a simpler method is, “the money” will only take between the contributor and the presentee the only medium.